Date: 23.10.2015
Time: 10am to 12:35pm
Venue: Karuna Kendra CCO,
Nature of the Training: Capacity
building training
Resource person: Ms.
Shilpa Kashelkar
Members Present: KK staff and
CSA staff (15 members)

She explained ASK- A- Attitude, S- Skills,
K- Knowledge which are very much required in the field of social work.
She started with the brief Social Work-History, Meaning & Ethics/Principles
Understanding History- Service by
Family, Community, Kings, and Religious Groups etc. to aged, differently abled
people, destitute, widows, and people with poverty etc.
Meaning – Social work is a
helping profession; the main goal of social work is to improve a society’s
overall well-being, especially for the most vulnerable populations. Acting to bring about social or systemic
change to reduce social barriers, inequality and injustice.
Ethics/ Principles-To believe in
people’s inherent worth, dignity and capability of continuing development, To
work towards well being of people, To work with people with values such as
honesty, peace, cooperation and accountability
Social Work Methods
Individual Work/Case Work Method- Social case work is the method used by social workers/organizations to
help individuals to cope more effectively with their problems.
Group Work Method - Social
Group Work is a method of social work which helps the individuals to enhance
their social functioning through purposeful group experiences and to cope more
effectively with their problems.
Community Work Method- Community work is a primary method of social work. Community
Organization is the process of people coming together to address and work on
the issues that matter to them.
Community Organization –(Different
from Charity, Different from Individual and Group work) CO is using human
rights approach, with legal framework, it is work for justice and rights, based
on empathy, decision making and ownership with people, process is participatory
and transparent, working towards empowerment.
Community Work Methods
Principles -
Acceptance of Community, Understanding & identification of problems, Needs
& resources, Self Determination & Democratic Decision Making,
People’s Participation, Intergroup Approaches, Maximum Utilization of
Indigenous Resources, Evaluation,
Steps in CO- Identify the
problem, List the problem, Give Priorities, Select problem, Redefine problem,
Formulate achievable objectives, Work out alternatives, Select an appropriate
alternative, Work out a plan of action, Mobilization resources, Implement the
plan of action, Evaluate the action, Modification, Continuation, Select the
next problem

Characteristics of CO- An organized
personality, Free & open mind, Understand community situation with
cause and effects, Good observer, listener, Can develop communication
& networks,
Skills of CO - Problem
analysis, Resource Mobilization, Conflict resolution, organizing meeting,
Writing reports, Networking, Training
Strengthening CCO- Action Plan
Identifying leaders,- motivating them to take leadership, sharing
information, knowledge building, networking, using space for people to come
together, organizing meetings at center and communities, helping core members
of each group to identify needs, problems, and also to work on same
Identify Community Issues- Water,
Ration, Livelihood, SHG, Environment, and Food Security, health, Peace, Income
generation, Implementation of Government schemes, Law & rights, safety
Rights of – Children, Youth,
Women, Senior Citizen, Men
Use of Human Rights perspective and Community Organization for
empowerment of community people and sustainability - Participation,
Involvement, Network, Leadership, Responsibility Sharing, Information sharing,
Learning from each other, Community Ownership
The training ended with the few tips to work in collaboration with the
likeminded organizations in the cco which would enhance the activities of
karuna Kendra cco.
By: Sr. Anjana Parmar, CSA
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