Sarv Seva Sangh,Gyan Ashram
Campus,Mahakali, Andheri - 22nd April 2016
Skills for children between the ages of 12yrs to 16yrs.
The Goal was to make the kids understand the traits of leadership.
were conducted so the children understand the types of leaders and how they
affect the people they lead.
For Example:
groups were made and were asked to elect a leader, then the leaders were called
aside and each was asked to behave aggressive, lazy, and helpful respectively.
Meanwhile the team members were told to make a dress for their leader out of
paper where they could take help from their leaders if they want.
The leaders
were then told to join the group, where they behaved as told. In the end, the
group with a helpful leader completed the task successfully. Then each group
was asked to describe what went right or wrong, after which it was reviled the
truth about their leaders.
to understand how to- solve problems, think out of the box, take control of the
situation, quick thinking, etcetera in order to make the children understand
the skills be a good leader.
Ms. Mishal Dabre