Summer Camp for Children from Bandarpakhadi
19th April to 21st
April 2016
camp was conducted for children from Bandarpakhadi Vilage between the age of 7 yrs to 14 yrs.
Day one- To understand the values of
being a good human being.
For example:
The paper folds game- Each group had to fit as many
members as they could on a page from a newspaper. The paper had to be folded in
half after every 30 seconds. Goal- How a team can help its members during
difficult times.
Spot game- Kids were asked to pick a piece
of paper on which a task was written which the individual had to complete with
or without the help of a team member. Goal- How to handle a situation when put
on spot.
Paper bowl- Each team had to make a bowl
out of newspaper pieces. Goal- How to work together as a team.
Day two- Awareness regarding saving the
environment and recycling.
For Example:
The kids
were taught how to make flower pots out of plastic bottles and candle stands
out of soda cans.
Day three-Leadership Skills were taught
through activities.
For example:
Recycled fabric flowers-the team leader had to guide the
members to make a flower out of an old t-shirt.
Blindfold game-the team had to guide the leader
in blindfolds to retrieve their flower which was given to another team.-
Communication skill
Charades- A team member had to act out a
phrase without talking and the team had to guess the right phrase in given time.
Ms. Mishal Dabre
Sr. Social Worker
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